2018-11-032019-05-21news Ost-Rock Underground Fest! Gramy w finale konkursu Ost-Rock Ungerground Fest z Józef Ost i Oil Stains. Gwiazdami wieczoru są Krain i Dezerter. Do zobaczenia!
2018-11-032019-05-21concerts, news Ost-Rock Underground Fest! We are in finals in Ost-Rock Underground Fest contest with Józef Ost and Oil Stains. Headliners are: Krain and Dezerter! See you!
2018-11-032019-05-21concerts, news 9.11, VooDoo, Warsaw, 20:00 we play with Phedora https://www.facebook.com/events/1843480792431791/
2018-05-202019-05-21products alone with your mind t-shirt –> wake up! Wake up! https://goat.cupsell.pl/produkt/3273703-wake-up-men-standard.html
2018-02-082019-05-21concerts Rock Night in Harenda with DiAnti and Royal Age Helo, koncert, Saturday, 17th February 2018, Piwnica pod Harendą, start 18:00, we play first, see you there! https://www.facebook.com/events/205191223371808/
2018-01-022019-05-21news “bite me” single – 100 pics, hand made cover In the end of 2017 (29th December) first official publishing of go.at – 2 single recording – 01 miasto-z, 02 shaping stone. Only 100 CD’s, hand made.
2017-12-182019-05-21press press note – muzykoholicy.com Zespół go.at z pierwszym singlem promującym płytę „to have a”